Which processed it better 2? Donegal
The Lightroom version, which is also the version currently in my portfolio
After I'd tried out Luminar on a recent image, I decided it might be interesting to revisit an older favourite image. In this case, I took one of my favourites from my trip to Donegal, Ireland last year. This photo was also an image I'd previously struggled with in Luminar, so I was curious to see if my increased familiarity with the program would produce a better result.
In this case, I'm quite surprised and pleased with the image. The detail enhancer filter can pull out details where you want it, and I think that's vastly improved the look of the cliffs. I'm quite pleased with how much extra detail there is in this image.
The Luminar version
Again, I've gone more saturated, and I think this may just be a shift in my style as I wasn't deliberately pushing for saturation with this image, merely working toward what I felt the image needed.
I'm also quite enjoying the fog filter; it's used quite subtly in this image to enhance the atmosphere that was present in the original image. I've tried to keep it subtle and only brushed it into areas.
Similarly, I've used image radiance and Orton effect to add some "glow" to the image. Again, I've brushed this away from parts of the image where I didn't feel it was suitable. For the Orton effect, I've limited it solely to the water and foreground beach area. I was finding that the beach had gone a bit darker than I liked, and the filter has also nicely accentuated the smoothness of the long exposure.