Andrew Dacey Photography

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Make it cost shoot 8: Urban details

The trip to New York for work ended up getting me off to a great start with my make it cost project. Before then I hadn't shot anything and after I got back I'd completed 7 of the shoots toward my 15 shoot goal. Unfortunately, when I got back to Halifax the responsibilities of home ownership, combined with being 6 weeks behind on things meant that shooting went back on the back burner. Fortunately, I was at least a little ahead of schedule at this point.

Then work ended up asking if they could send me back to New York for another 3 weeks. I'd barely been back home and I was being sent back. On the one hand I was glad to be going back to New York and to get more shooting in. On the other hand though I was starting to get a little worried that my project was going to just turn into a New York project. Nothing wrong with that, but the point was to making shooting a bigger part of my life and completing the challenge only through travel wasn't what I'd intended. 

In order to push myself more I tried to look for some more unusual subjects on this trip. One mini-project I tried was to find unusual urban details and really focus in on them. This was on the sidewalk nearby where I was staying in the financial district. I really like the strong colour and texture in this shot, but overall it's one of the few successful shots from this shoot.